Types, Differences & Benefits of Musli - White & Black Chlorophytum Borivilianum

Oct 09 , 2020


Darshan Parecha

Types, Differences & Benefits of Musli - White & Black Chlorophytum Borivilianum

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Types of Musli (Chlorophytum Borivilianum)

There are 2 major types of Musli found Safed Musli & Kali Musli. Kali musli is completely different from Safed Musli. It is known as Talamuli in Sanskrit, Kalimusli in Hindi and Gujarati and Nilappana in Malayalam. Musli is a tuberous plant. It is a small perennial herb with a full of radical leaves appearing over ground.

Safed Musli

Safed Musli contains carbohydrates (35-45%), fiber (25-35%), alkaloids (15-25%), saponins (2-20%), and proteins (5-10%). The activities of vitamin C and antioxidant enzymes are also enhanced by the use of this plant species.

Safed Musli is a natural and safe aphrodisiac agent. It has no negative side effects which are generally associated with chemical-based aphrodisiac.

Safed Musli, the Indian herbal viagra, is a safe, powerful and effective drug, with similar benefits to Viagra and without any side effects. It is often prescribed for enhancing male potency and overcoming signs of fatigue. It is particularly used for individuals with low sperm count and low libido. At various places safed musli is used for curing diabetes and arthritic conditions. Safed musli is also beneficial in the treatment of natal and postnatal problems.

Its regular use causes increase in the level of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol) and decrease in the plasma and hepatic lipid profiles.

Apart from rejuvenating the reproductive system, the herb prevents premature ejaculation and is also used in chronic Leucorrhoea.

Kali Musli

Kali Musli Like safed musli, this herb too possess aphrodisiac properties and been used since a long time.


Kali musli contains- active compounds – Starch – 43.48%, Tannins – 4.15%, Ash – 8.6%, Enzymes – 14.18%, Glycoside, Syringic acid Curculigoside.

Kali Musli cures different sexual disorders in men such as - Low sperm count, Piles, Blood related disorders, Skin disorders Jaundice, Gonorrhea Joint pain, vomiting, diarrhea indigestion and an appetizer. Kali musli has lots of benefit in Ayurveda treatment of medicine. It is becoming rare in occurrence, as it is now over exploited due to its medical benefits.

It is used for treating eye infection, treating skin infection and diseases such as Itching, Rashes and Pimples, glowing skin. It is also used for treating a number of respiratory disorders such as Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. It is also helpful for treating digestive disorders. It is also useful for treating Stomach disorders such as Vomiting. Black Chlorophytum Borivilianum is also useful for gaining and reducing weight. Kali Musli is also useful for treating a number of liver disorders such as Jaundice and Biliousness. It is also useful for healing back and joint pains. Kali Musli is also useful for treatment of Piles & Gonorrhea.


    What Type of Musli to use & when?

    Safed Musli is currently widely grown in various part of North India. Thus, it is easily available in market. Kali Musli is not financially profitable crop. Thus, it is only gathered from Forest. But, due to its over exploitation, it is getting rare now. if it is not protected well, then it will be extinct soon. Safed musli is consumed in very high proportion than kali musli.


    General Information

    Chlorophytum Borivilianum or Musli is one of the most important plant species known in Ayurveda, Unani and other medicinal system because of its great medicinal uses and benefits. Safed Moosli belongs to Genus Chlorophytum. The name Chlorophytum is derived from Greek word, Chloros–meaning green and phyton–plant. It is also known by different names in different parts of the world and in different languages as well.

    The genus Chlorophytum is represented by about 300 species distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical parts of the world. There are about 17 species of Chlorophytum found in India and many of them are uses as Safed Musli. Chlorophytum borivilianum is the most commonly used as Moosli. It belongs to plant family Liliaceae or Lily family.

    A Musli is also eaten and cultivated in different parts of the world. The species is found in naturally dense forest areas and grown in Himalayas, West Bengal, Assam, Madras and adjoining areas. It is an herb with lanceolate leaves and is of white or black color. Chlorophytum Borivilianum or Musli is categorized into Black and White having its unique medicinal benefits.



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