Premium Peruvian Raw Organic Maca Root Powder

Heilen Biopharm

Rs. 499.00

  • 100% Pure Natural Raw Organic Peruvian Maca Root Powder
  • We have all three variety of Peruvian Maca Root Powder directly imported from Peruvian farmers.
  • 100 grams of Black Maca powder per Bottle. This is non-gelatinised raw powder.
  • Black Maca to be the most effective Maca color for muscle building, endurance & mental focus.
  • Most Commonly used Maca. Yellow Maca is a nutritional powerhouse that works to boost energy, enhance concentration and balance hormones.
  • It to have the highest phytonutrient levels of all Maca colors. It is the most effective type for general hormone balancing, for female fertility and for bone and prostate health. It is also the sweetest tasting of all Maca powders.
  • Maca root is a good source of carbs and protein, is low in fat and contains a fair amount of fiber. It's also high in some essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, copper and iron. Maca is considered an “adaptogen”, a name given to certain herbs, plants, and natural substances that help the body naturally adapt to stressors like a busy schedule, demanding job, or illness, for example.
  • Another benefit of maca is its relatively high amount of absorbable plant-based nutrients, including protein, fiber, calcium and magnesium, among others. Consuming maca often makes people feel more “alive”, energetic, and leaves them with a sense of well-being, all of which are thought to be due to its ability to restore proper hormone balance and elevate “feel good” endorphins.

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